Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Busy week...and it's only Wednesday

We have been hard at work this week on the course.  To start the week we aerified the greens with a 1/4" side eject tine.  A small core was removed to help alleviate some compaction and get some oxygen down to the root system.  This small hole will also allow for better nutrient uptake.  As you may have noticed the weather has not been cooperative for growing bermudagrass greens.  It has been inconsistent with wet, dry, warm and cold temps.  Monday morning May 13 the temperature was 39 degrees, which is not ideal for Champion.  I am hopeful that the weather has finally changed for the good.  Today's forecast is for 87 degrees and mid 60's tonight, which is exactly what we need!

The machine I used to aerify

Greens were then blown off
Greens were rolled and this is final result.

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