Friday, May 3, 2013

Greens update

I want to update you on the current condition of the greens.  As you may have noticed this past weekend many greens developed patches of various sizes.  They went from looking great Friday to looking pretty weak and off color by Sunday.  Several factors lead to this; cool weather, overcast skies and another 2+ inches of rain.  I took a few samples to the UGA plant pathologist located in Griffin yesterday and we had a great conversation about what I am seeing on greens.  I applied 2 separate fungicides Monday to clean up any disease and according to his diagnosis the samples were clean of disease.  Another serious issue we discussed was the thatch layer.  Bermudagrass produces alot of thatch and if not controlled by aggressive aerification and verticutting, it can prove to be harmful for the long term health of the greens.  He recommended more often aerification of the greens.  The more organic matter that comes out the better. 

With all of this said, Dr. Martinez wanted to prescribe me Patience!  I understand what he means but it is hard to just sit back and wait.  Almost all of our problems are weather related.  We have yet to have bermudagrass growing weather.  We were teased a month ago when highs were in the upper 80's, but we have only seen a few days in the 80's since.  As a general rule of thumb bermudagrass needs 150 degrees, meaning a combination of high and low temp.  Temps of 85 and 65 is optimal. 

So to sum it up, please have a little Patience.  Before long Summer will be here and we will be begging for Fall!

Here is a great video from the USGA about aerification.
Fore The Golfer - Why Aerate The Greens?

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