Monday, May 27, 2013

Greens update

The weather has been right for growing bermudagrass, now we just need a few greens to respond to fertilization.  A few still can't seem to get going with what I have tried to "push" them to fill in.  As I described in an earlier post we have an underlying issue with the greens, Thatch.  Thatch is a mat or layer of decomposing stems, leaves and roots between the grass and soil.  An excessive thatch layer over 1" can restrict air, water, fertilizer and nutrients to the roots.  I feel this is really impacting the greens.  This thatch layer holds excess moisture and chokes out roots.  This is also the reason for aerification of the greens 2 weeks ago.  The idea is to create hole space in the soil for the roots to drive downward.  The more material we can pull out and open the greens up the better.  In a perfect world I would aerify the greens at least 3 times in the growing season, as opposed to the once a year we have done in the past.

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