Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Leaf Spot/Pythium

Greens Update:

What is another way to tell Fall is here?   The arrival of disease pressure on the greens.  This is a battle each season.  When we get into periods of cloudy, overcast,  rainy and damp conditions the fungus attacks.  It thrives in that type of environment.  The end of September has provided exactly that.  Leaf spot and Pythium have reared its ugly head.  I have applied 3 types of fungicide to control it.  While this fungus is mostly aesthetic the greens continue to put very well.  Recovery time depends on the weather.  Out of the last 10 days, we have seen the sun ONE DAY, and it has rained 8 of those days.  Bermuda grass needs sunlight. This weeks forecast looks great with Sunny days and highs near 80.  The greens will bounce back, please be patient.  Now let the sun shine!

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