Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Fall is here...

Fall is here, grass has slowed its growth and leaves are falling.  Mornings have been cool lately and afternoons comfortable.  I love this time of year.  With the approaching cooler weather we prepare.  Listed are a few things which are very important this time of year.

-Raise the Height of cut on Tees and Fairways from .5" to .6"
-Raise Greens HOC from .125" to .135",  We will do this as the temps get cooler with an end result of .160"
-Pre-emerge golf course for winter annual weeds
-Apply preventative fungicide for Spring Dead Spot
-This time also allows us to catch up on bed detail and spraying weeds in beds
-I plan to address several bunkers that are low on Sand
-Repair any leaks or broken Irrigation

We always have a project list in the Fall/Winter, and we work hard to complete it.

What is another way to tell Fall is here?   The arrival of disease pressure on the greens.  This is a battle each season.  When we get into periods of cloudy, overcast,  rainy and damp conditions the fungus attacks.  It thrives in that type of environment.  The end of September has provided exactly that.  Leaf spot and Pythium have reared its ugly head.  I have applied 2 types of fungicide to control it.  Now let the sun shine!

See you on the course!


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