Friday, October 31, 2014

Course Update

Temperatures are dropping!  Over the last few weeks a noticeable change in the air.  We continue on with Fall maintenance of the golf course.  That means ALOT of blowing, mulching leaves and catching up on projects.  Many projects are planned for the winter.  Hopefully you will begin to notice a few things we have already done.

The biggest project going on now is the wall on #17.  Work began a few days ago and if all goes well we should be done in a week or so.  Then we can close the valve on the lake and let it fill up.  I know the residents who have looked at a low lake for a while will be happy. 

Overall, I am pleased with the course as we head into Winter.  Pre-emerge has been applied, the height of cut has been raised on everything and we are ready for cold weather.  Hopefully this winter will not be as cold as last year.

See ya on the course!

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