Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Course Update

Finally, Fall is here!  This is my favorite time of year for many reasons.  College football, post season baseball, hunting and camping.  It is also when we get to catch our breath from the long Summer.  We have been blessed with a nice cool spell with lows in the 50's and highs in the 70's.  Before long we will be talking about Frost.

We continue to work hard on the course.  We have created several new mulch beds around the course, as we can now get back to course detail.  We are doing this on 4, 5 and 7 with several more areas on the list.  The course has been pre-emerged for winter weeds.  This will carry us until around February when I will do it again.  You may have noticed some dying weeds, we have sprayed out some areas to kill these weeds.  David(my new Assistant) has really helped with spraying weeds.  He knows his stuff and is a great asset to the club.  We have also begun blowing leaves.  With the low temps last week many trees began to drop leaves.  We will stay on top of that.

As with many of the things that require thinking ahead, we are monitoring soil temperatures.  We are in the time of year where we apply fungicide on the greens for Spring Dead Spot.  We look for a soil temp of 65 degrees.  We are within a few weeks of a first application.

One last big project of the year is a wall for #17 lake.  Hopefully this will begin within a few weeks.  This will not only help with maintenance, but will look awesome.  Feel free to donate money to a great project!

 See ya on the course!

P.S.  If you see any rain send it this way...we received just 3/4" in August.

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