Monday, March 24, 2014

Course Update

Sorry it has been so long since last post.  We are busy gearing up for a great 2014 golf season.   The course has been post and pre-emerged and you can now see weeds dying.  It is a long process for one person to spray the entire property but it's done and I am expecting many months of control.  Before long it will be time to do it all again.  I will fertilize the course mid-April with a slow release product to give it an 8 week feed.

Spring is here!  Green grass is popping everywhere.  Greens are coming in nicely, fairways are greening up and trees are budding out new life.

The crew finally got the trees/brush cleared along the lake bank on #11/18.  Over the last few years the project has been pushed back, but we finished last week and everyone seems to like it.  I hope to do a little bit on the #17 side to provide a better view from the teebox.

The new fleet of Jacobsen mowers are ready to go.  I am sure you've seen them out a few times, but they are ready to be put to work daily.  With new fairway mowers it should allow us to have a closer, quality cut compared to mowing with the gang unit.  In the next few days I plan to begin establishing an intermediate cut around fairways and greens. 

You may have noticed paint dots or flagging tape around a lot of trees.  The trees with flagging tape are to be removed for numerous reasons.  Trees near the paths that are causing them to crack and damage will come out.  Trees that cause excessive shade around greens will come out.  Dead or dying trees will come out.  As some have expressed concern with how many are marked I assure you they are for a very valid reason.  Trust me, NCC will not become a links style golf course!

Next big thing is the upcoming Cart Path repair project.  We will be grinding more paths and paving areas with new asphalt.   Tree removal will be done 1st, then paths.  We hope to begin very soon.

It's a very exciting time for NCC.  These upcoming projects will only make us better.

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