Monday, August 19, 2013

Animal Damage

We seem to have a problem with animals.  Here lately something has been tearing up greens at night.  I suspect a Fox or Coyote.  As I investigate each area I have seen medium sized dog like prints with very long claws in nearby bunkers.  Typically it has been small ripped up spots near old plugs.  This morning it was as bad as I have seen.  I plan to purchase a few traps and set them out.

                                                                     #18 green

Close up of how severe damage was

1 comment:

  1. We've had fox damage before. They were digging after mole crickets. Mainly in the bunkers, but some areas on the greens as well. It looked very similar, but not as severe. You may want to look into a trapper. We had good luck with one. Call if you need a number for one.
