Wednesday, August 14, 2013

2013 Club Championship, broken pipe and more rain

NCC 2013 Club Champions:

Women:  Erin Packer( Defending Champ)
Men: Trevor Smith
Senior:  Pick Parks( Defending Champ)
Super Senior:  David Parrott
Junior:  Carson Vaughn( Defending Champ)

Congrats to each of the champs for 2013.  We had a great number of participants this year.  The golf course was in great shape and played tough!  Once again I was very proud of my Staff as we put in a Very Long work week.  Also Chris and his Staff were on top of their game.  The Live scoring was Awesome and a big hit with everyone.   Enjoy your new well deserved Reserved Parking spots.

Sunday morning of the Championship brought an awesome surprise.  As I approached #1 green I noticed 2 very large "turf bubbles".  There was a broken pipe in the loop which circles the greens' irrigation.  This was 20 minutes before the 1st group was to tee off.  I valved the irrigation off and poked a few holes in the bubbles to drain it.

The bubbles were about knee high.

I poked 3 or 4 holes in the bubble and within an hour it had drained out.

Weather update:  Currently, it is raining!  Our Total is now at 56.65" and counting!  That is almost 5 FEET!!!  The forecast for the next 6 days include 60% chance of rain each day and highs in the 70's. Crazy.

With all this rain please keep a few things in mind.  The lake repair on #10 will be put off until the area is dry enough to access with large equipment.  Also the Rough is as thick as it has been since I have been here(3 seasons).  We are not trying to make it impossible to play or fertilizing it.  As I have told as many of you, we mow as fast as we can.  Our mowers stay running until 7:00pm most days.  The rain sometimes sets us back a day or two but we mow daily.  Currently the Rough is mowed at 2"  As much as I would like to mow Roughs twice a week and shorter, right now we do not have the equipment to do it.  Our terrain is bad, as we have exposed roots, rocks and low spots in many areas.

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