Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Weed control

It's that time again.  This week I have begun to spray weeds throughout the course.  One of my goals this year was to put an emphasis on weed control and I am very pleased with control up to now. It starts with a Fall aplication of Barricade(prodiamine).  This is a very good product and as evident in the fairways it has done it's job.  I then sprayed simazine in late January.  This week I will be using a premium product, Ronstar(oxadiazon).  This product provides excellent control of many of ouy problem weeds, crabgrass and goosegrass.  Along with the pre-emerge, RoundUp(glyphosate) will be in the tank.  When bermudagrass is dormant you can spray RoundUp at low rates with a light mist.



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