Saturday, February 2, 2013

Covering greens.....

As you have noticed the covers are out next to each green.  To explain in more detail as to when/why we cover:

-If the overnight low temperature is forecast to be below 20 degrees
-If the forecast is for temps to be below freezing for more than 36 hours
-If the greens were weak or stressed going into the Fall

Many variables come into the thought process when deciding and there is no weather "formula".  If I see a need to cover, we will.  Although air temperature is important, soil temperature is extremely critical.  Cold chamber studies have told us that plant death will occur at a soil temperature below 20 degrees.  These trials also demonstrated that exposure to soil temps at 25 degrees for less than one week does not cause great harm.  Given this information we could, in theory, attempt to monitor and predict soil temps in deciding to cover greens.

#7 green back with cover

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