Monday, December 28, 2015

Enough rain already...

What a crazy "Winter".  In the 15 plus years working on golf courses I have never experienced a season quite like this.  This really describes 2015 in a nutshell.  We started cold, then warm, then cold then rainy, then weeks of no rain.  It has been the one of the most challenging years for me.  As of December 28 we have received right at 70" of rainfall.  Before weeks end we are expected to receive 2-4 additional inches. In comparison we received 47.5" last year.  Talk about what a difference a year makes!  By the way, our annual rainfall average is 51".  Not only is rainfall a story, temperatures are out of whack too.  We are 3 days from January and we still have a few green fairways and we still continue to mow grass on the greens.  We have come within a few degrees of record highs on many occasions.  We are ready for a cold snap to send the entire course into dormancy. It needs it!  I rode the course during the last downpour and snapped a few pictures of flooding.
#7 green
#18 green and #10 fairway
#10 lake out of its banks
#18 fairway river
Overwhelmed wall #17
#16 fairway

                                                                   Sinkhole #6 fairway

As you can see the course is a mess.  My crew is working hard (when we can) to make it as great as possible.  This weather has slowed us down on completing projects. Thank You for your understanding and cooperation.  I look forward to 2016 and another great year at NCC.  We have many great projects and ideas for the upcoming season.  I hope your 2016 is great.

See you on the course!

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