Friday, August 1, 2014

Cart Paths, Kirby Invitational and the lake #17

Well it has begun, the milled areas on the paths are getting new asphalt.  It has been long overdue but hopefully in a week or so we will have repaired all rough spots.  Our budget only allows for the repair of spots, not everything.  Asphalt is expensive, possibly $500,000 or more if we did ALL the paths.  The crew started on #17 Wednesday July 30th and now holes 17-12 are done, minus some cleanup work.  The remaining areas have been milled and rolled and work should resume Monday August 4th. 

The 2014 Kirby Invitational was played last weekend and NCC member Trevor Smith won.  It is really neat to see so many club members in the hunt, as Carson Vaughn and Jordan Henry finished in the Top 5.  The course played tough as no one in the 146 man field broke Par.  Congrats Trevor!

If you have been out lately you may have noticed the new coffer dam on the lake at #17.  By building this it will allow us to keep the upper lake at a level we want.  Once we dry out a bit more we will begin mucking out and rebuilding our shoreline along #17-18.  In November when the county road project is complete we can the start filling both lakes.

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