Saturday, April 12, 2014

Spring is here...sort of

As I sit watching The Masters on moving day I can't help but to get excited for this golf season. For me this week always tells me Spring is here.  Another indicator is when I fertilize the golf course. The bermuda has begun to green up and it's time to feed it. This year I used 30-0-10 which will get the grass up and growing. I put out 1.25 lbs of N/m. What??? This means that for every 1000 square feet there is 1.25# of Nitrogen or 4.08# of product or 180 # product per Acre. Confused???  With more rain coming Monday/Tuesday timing is just perfect. Two weeks ago when we had temps in the low 80's was a big tease, as it has cooled off a bit. We have greened up some but are still not quite there. Bermuda needs 80's during day and 60's at night. Hopefully we are a few short weeks away from consistent warm weather.

The greens have emerged from winter very nicely. I do have a few spots of concern, #5 back and #17 back. Both are shade issues and I feel they are delayed by 2-3 weeks. We are bringing the height of cut down ever so slightly as weather dictates. They are rolling well.

Tree update.  We plan to beging removing trees Tuesday April 30, weather permitting. The crew plans to be on site working Mon-Wed each week.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


I have completed spraying the course with Pre-emerge and post-emerge.  I anticipate a clean golf course out there.  Some weeds were not affected by the rate of Glyphosate so I will be spot spraying soon.  Clover and wild onion are the two weeds visible.  Also I have sprayed the greens to control the Poa annua.  This weed thrives this time of year with the warmer days and cool nights.  The reason I have just now sprayed is based on weather.  The herbicide I use works best when we have warm temps, so to spray it when its in the 40's or 50's makes no sense as it is less effective.  The product may take a few weeks to completely kill the Poa.  Thanks to those who keep reminding me it is there...

This week has done a lot for the course.  3 Days in the 80's with another coming tomorrow.  We have seen quite a bit of green up on the fairways and tees.  The warmer temps has also triggered the lowering of the greens mowers.