Wednesday, December 18, 2013

2013 Recap

The end of 2013 is near and I would like to list many of our accomplishments.  We had many ups and downs but overall it was a great year.  As you read many of the things listed are weather related.

--We have received 70.1" of rain(As of Dec.18)**2012 TOTAL was 44"
--Century Club invested money to remove 30+ trees and 2 truckloads of sod on #5
-- The Sewer/Septic group invested money on #9 to remove the diseased Oak and add Sod
--In July the lake on #10 was damaged, then repaired with a new siphon system
--With all that rain we were able to grow ALOT of grass, especially the Rough...
--Our Major tournaments went well, many have said this years Member/Guest was the best in years.  That is something we strive to do!!
--The Kirby Tournament 2nd Day action was Awesome, with a thrilling sudden death finish
--We had more disease on the greens this year than ever.  Leaf Spot was the main problem
--We had multiple greens damaged by animals.  The culprit??  Foxes.  5 were "relocated"
--MGA donated money to purchase new signage around the Clubhouse and at Tee boxes
--New Equipment: 1 Greens aerifier, 2 Greens mowers, 2 Fairway mowers and 1 Rough mower.  Each of these new machines will help greatly.  Hopefully we will have a better handle on the Rough next year!
--Cart Path experiment.  We milled sections of the paths in search of a economical way of repairing our paths.  With the approval of the loan Refinance, paths will be addressed in 2014.

I am sure I have left things off, but as you can read it has been a productive year.  The Club has new energy and excitement and has a lot of momentum heading into 2014. To the groups which donated funds for course projects I sincerely Thank You. Trust me,  I have several planned for next year!!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New year


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