Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Course Update

Sorry it has been so long since the last post.  I was out of town last week at the beach with my family.  We went to Panama City to watch my son Thomas play in  a Grand Slam baseball World Series event.  The boys finished 3rd in a rain shortened tournament.  Despite receiving ~11" of rain for the week, it was good to get away for a little while to recharge the batteries!

My view for the week of the 4th.  Hard to beat this!
Now back to reality...

Alot has happened since the last post.

We received 8" rainfall last week.  That is in impressive amount of rain, especially since most fell Wednesday-Sunday.  With all the rain brings flooded areas and the overflow pipe in the lake at #10/18 was damaged.  It is about 6 feet below full.  We hope to have it repaired soon.

Also this week we aerified the greens.  This is a VITAL process that helps ensure healthy greens.  We began our process with an aggressive verticut in 3 directions followed up by a mower to clean up.  We then topdressed heavy and core aerified.  Our new Toro machine has an attachment which pulls the cores to the edge to be picked up. 
Finished product.  All greens were fertilized and should bounce back quickly. 

With all this recent rain grass has really grown, ALOT.  We are mowing as much as we can, so please be patient as we try to get the golf course back in shape.

And by the way, it is currently raining.....

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