Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Enough rain...

Typically this time of year Superintendents don't complain about rain.  While I don't mind the rain I wish it was on another week.  2.75" has fallen in the last few days with more expected throughout the day and evening.  The rest of the week looks good with drier conditions.  So with all this rain it means one thing, Member-Guest week!!  In my years of working on golf courses the weather seems to know when we have a big week and when we try to stay late to finish jobs.  To say we have been setback is an understatement.  Bunkers are trashed and we have standing water everywhere.  The course will be ready for the Friday and Saturday's tournament rounds.

We have received 6" Rain as of June 18
We have received 36.5" for the year so far.  To put that in perspective we got 44" ALL of last year.

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