Thursday, April 11, 2013

Green up is upon us

We have had a busy week, as I have fertilized the entire course with 32-0-0.  This product will give the turf a boost and get it growing.  With the fertilizer, warm weather and rain moving in tonight I predict by next weekend we will be close to 100% green.  Also this week I applied my second application of a fungicide to prevent fairy ring.  Fairy ring exposed itself last year on a few greens and I hope that by applying two different fungicides a month apart we won't see it again. 

Greens covers have been brought in after using them just 3 nights this winter.  We did have some cold temps, just not cold enough to warrant covering.

Also this week, Revolver was applied to all greens to kill any Poa annua plants that a few greens have.  This chemical is a great tool we have to use, it will kill cool season plants(Poa annua) in warm season grasses(bermudagrass). 

Oh and apparently a big tournament is taking place in Augusta.  The Masters kicks off this morning and I love this event.  The beauty of the course, slope and speed of the greens and the unique holes are just a few things that make this tournament so great. My prediction???  Tiger.  He is long overdue and the hottest player right now and he knows his way around the place!

My transportation this week.

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