Thursday, March 7, 2013

A great week for project completion

This has been the first week in a while that has allowed us to work on projects and not do storm cleanup.  We did receive .3" of rain from a fast moving storm that brought rain and very gusty winds.  Fortunately no trees fell, only small limbs and pine cones.  The maintenance crew has been working this week on several projects to ready us for Spring.  Tee markers have been repainted, Miscanthus has been divided and replanted, crepe myrtles have been pruned and the new NCC entrance sign is up.  The warmer weather seems to be right around the corner with highs in the low 70's forecast this weekend and 60's all next week.  The MGA is hosting their annual Par 3 kickoff tournament Saturday and the weather should be great, hope to see you out.

New club entrance sign

Work done by utility clearing company behind #11 green

Tee markers with fresh coat of paint

Miscanthus divided and replanted,  we have created several hundred new plants

Last but certainly not least, Poa annua nearing DEATH!

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