Tuesday, January 26, 2016

USGA update

Below is an excellent article provided by the USGA.  Take a minute to read it, it gives great insight to a lot of the issues we are dealing with in the current el Nino pattern.


Friday, January 22, 2016

Course Update

Weather continues to dictate what we do on the course.  The maintenance crew has lost quite a few hours this Fall/Winter due to rain and cold temperatures.  As you would expect this puts us behind on projects and we work hard when we can to catch up.  As I write this it is raining again with more coming all day with potential for snow showers.  As I get older my opinion of SNOW has changed, I don't care for it unless I go North to play in it!  It just causes so much chaos in our area and it impacts what I do for a living.  Moving on.

The sinkhole on #6 has gotten worse.  We are currently receiving bids to repair and hope to know something soon.  Basically the problem is this; under the fairway is a 30" culvert pipe that is rusted and now compromised.  During construction in the mid-80's the pipe was put in to drain water to the lake.  The pipe was installed lower than it should and over the years it has backed up with water which led to it's demise.  So for now the plan is to dig up and replace the pipe, this time doing it right!  PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM THIS AREA.  It is dangerous, unstable and could collapse at any time. 

We plan to start spraying our pre-emerge in the next few weeks.  This application will ensure we are free of weeds until the growing season, where we will apply another for even more control.  The plan for fairways will be the same as last year.  All of this is weather dependent.

Our maintenance manager Kyle has begun remodeling the restrooms on #13.  They will be very similar to what the restrooms on #5 look like.  Please know the will be out of order until further notice.  Thank You for understanding.

See you on the course!
