Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Course update

Well, disease on the greens continues to be a pain in my side.  Several things contribute to this, excess moisture, damp, cloudy days and lack of sunlight for extended periods.  We didn't see the sun for 12 days!  While the fungus is under check it will unfortunately linger for a while.  We have sprayed numerous products to control the fungus and push new growth, but temperatures are just not right for growth.  I am thankful that its only affecting a few greens and for the recovery that has happened as they could be worse.  This past weekend we had a cold snap which brought a lot of frost to the course.  We have not had frost on the greens yet.  The color of the greens now will be what we can expect throughout the winter.  We use a pigment to keep them green as opposed to allowing them to go off color like the rest of the course.

This has been a strange Fall.  It has been unseasonably warm and very wet.  In the last month we have received almost 12" of rain.  During the Fall it is very tough to dry out from this as the days are shorter and not as warm.  The crew has worked hard to keep the course clean.  Typically after each heavy rain we spend time repairing bunkers, which can take a day and a half to complete.

I hope you and your family have a great Holiday season!

See you on the course!
