Wednesday, May 27, 2015

May update

Rain, finally!  The course received 2" of rain yesterday.  Prior to that we had a whopping .65" for May.  While I would rather have it spread out over a few days I don't complain about rain, I deal with it.  We have had a busy month on the course.  Along with the daily maintenance that we do we have done a few things that hopefully you have noticed.  Several new signs have been put up,  the Club Champion signs and a new Range yardage.  We have also installed an Air compressor for blowing off cleats.  By using this it will help keep the inside of the club a bit cleaner. Thank You to the MGA for the purchase of the compressor and Range sign!  Two new weeping willow trees have been planted along #6 lake bank, purchased be members of the Sewer/Septic group.  Three new maples have been planted along the right side of #8 where the big pine once stood.  Lastly another willow has been planted on the lake at #2, in memory of Mr. Terry Lunsford.

The maintenance crew has also landscaped in front of the clubhouse.  We have installed a dwarf Holly and Loripedilum.  We will have Bermuda grass back in place and will be pine strawed. These shrubs will give us color and provide some feel of a foundation.

All fairways have been aerified.  I plan to do this on all tees and in areas of the rough to relieve compaction.  I think the fairways are in great shape, and we will fertilize them again within a few weeks.

Lastly, we will be repairing a few spots on greens.  #'s 5, 12 and 13.  #'s 12 front right and 13 back left are spots that stay wet and water has a hard time running off.  The back 9 greens are native, push up greens so they don't drain like the front. Over time the collars build up due to the sand topdressing that we do and my plan is to cut back a few strips of the collar and lower the soil and replace the sod.  While doing this we will also dig down and replace the soil and mix in greens mix.  As for #5...I have sent off a sample to find out exactly what was applied.  We will be repairing these spots within the next week or so.

Coming up in June NCC is hosting ....

 Atlanta Junior Golf on the 6/4
GSGA Georgia Amateur Qualifier 6/22
Member/Guest 6/26,27