Thursday, April 30, 2015

April Recap


-Greens are in great shape provided the weather we had in April.  Very wet and somewhat cool.  We ended the month with just over 9"

-Greens will be verticut, aerified, topdressed, brushed and fertilized next Monday, May 4.  The plan is to lightly verticut and pull a ¼” core.  With good weather I expect a very quick recovery.  We will also apply a lime product to adjust any soil pH deficiencies we might have. Golf course will be closed all day so we can complete this process.


-Fairways and Tees have really jumped and have grown in nicely.  For April our fairways are as green and full as I have seen in my time here. 

-Soil test results on #13 fairway indicate a low pH, so the decision to blend Lime into the fertilizer was a good one.  I have enough product left over to fertilize at a light rate later this season on fairways.

-We have applied another pre-emerge to the fairways and 3 passes around each fairway and green.


-Restrooms on #5 are done.  Our maintenance manager Kyle Mims has done an outstanding job.  We hope to have the restroom on #13 completed before Member/Guest.  Thank You LGA for assisting in this project!
-We hope to build a new water station soon that will house the air compressor for blowing off cleats.  Thanks to the MGA for the purchase of this.

-MGA also assisted in the purchase of all new rakes for the course.

-Member/Member was a challenge.  My crew put in a lot of work to have the course ready but Mother Nature won the battle!  Overall I was very pleased and proud of the condition of the course and what we could control.  We received 4.5” the week of the tournament and just over 9” for the month. 
See you on the course!
