Friday, February 13, 2015

Course update and Weather...

Hopefully you have had a chance to get out and play in between the cold blasts this month.  The course is in really nice shape.  The crew is on top of blowing pinestraw, cones and any leaves that are out there.  I am very proud of the golf course right now!  If you have been out, hopefully you have noticed the detail work we have done in our landscape beds.  We have done quite a few, but #1 Tee and #2 Tee beds really stand out.  With the direction of golf course assistant Superintendent David the guys are catching on to how he wants them to look.  On #2 several "leggy" azaleas were removed, while the others were pruned and we transplanted close to 60 Miscanthus.  A nice edge was trenched,  fresh mulch was added and a new gravel path was created for our walking crowd.

Also this week we finished spraying the course for weeds and weed control.  Our Fall application was very effective and this will ensure a very clean course.  Many people have commented about the course looking the best it has ever looked this winter.  Thank you for the compliments, those never get old!

Also this week we have covered the greens.  Here is the schedule:
Thursday--cover greens
Sat morning 9:30--uncover for play
Sat afternoon 1:30--cover greens
Mon morning--uncover greens
Tues afternoon--cover greens
Friday morning--uncover greens

***This is working off of right now's forecast.  Things could change. As you can see the guys will be busy with this tough task.  The reason we are taking off Monday and putting back on Tuesday is so that the greens are not under cover for a long period.  Also we don't want to have to pull wet covers!

One last thing to mention, David Hartfree was named Employee of the Month.  David puts his all into this job, we are fortunate to have him on staff.  Great job David!

See ya on the course(when it warms up)