Wednesday, November 26, 2014

We have been quite busy since last post!  We finally got rain, two heavy rainfall events dumping 1.5" and 1.75".  While I am thankful for it, I would rather have less, more frequent rains, as they came almost a month apart.  With heavy rains bring cleanup work, such as pumping and repairing bunkers, dragging fairways to clean grass clippings, limb pickup and washouts.  This cleanup typically takes the entire crew a 3-4 days.  We also experienced an artic blast, with lows in the upper teens.  We covered greens last Monday and kept them covered till Thursday.  Hopefully this cold snap was not a glimpse into the Winter ahead, as this was very early in needing to cover. Greens are looking and rolling great.

The wall project on #17 is nearly complete.  The wall is up and has been backfilled, my crew still has some fine grading left to do.  Hopefully in the next few weeks we will have it complete with new sod.  Several folks have commented on it and would like to donate money towards the project.  We will absolutely accept donations, feel free to drop it off to myself, in the office or contact a board member.  After the last rain the lake is now full.

If you have been out lately you have noticed the leaves are down for the most part.  A few varieties are still hanging on.  We continue to blow and mulch leaves daily.  When we get caught up we work on small projects, hopefully some you will notice.

See you on the course