Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Course Update

The greens have really bounced back since my last post.  The leaf spot is still visible, just not active.  I applied another fungicide yesterday to prevent another outbreak.  The temperatures we need for recovery will be here this week as we are forecast to be in the mid to upper 70's and Sunny.  Hopefully by this time next week they will be in great shape.

On a side note we had our first frost Saturday morning with a cool 33 degrees.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Greens Update

If you have golfed lately you may have noticed spots on the greens.  The culprit is Leaf spot.  Leaf spot is a disease which we tend to see in Spring and Fall.  It is always there just waiting for the perfect environment.  Periods of wet, cool weather, moist soil and overcast days is when it thrives.  Currently we are all of the above and it has hit the greens in a situation unlike I have ever seen before.  I took a sample to the UGA Plant Pathologist today and his diagnosis confirmed my suspicion.  I have sprayed several different chemistry's to control this and now we need the perfect environment for recovery.  The greens need sunlight and warm temperatures!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Fall is here

We are now into October and the course is showing it.   Rough has slowed and is going off color and we begin the daily chore of leaf blowing.  I love this time of year!

You may have noticed the greens are not as quick as usual.  The reason for this is we are preparing them for winter.  It is crucial for us to raise the mowing height and get the greens as healthy as possible.  Currently we have the mowers set at .145" and will go slightly higher before the end of the month.  We will continue to mow/roll daily to maintain good ball roll. 

I have seeded the lower Driving Range Tee with rye grass and I hope to move the ropes for play within 2 weeks.  The seed is up and growing and we will begin mowing by the end of this week.  Once we move forward we will close the upper and seed it.

 #1 green looking toward clubhouse.  Breast Cancer Awareness Tournament